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10 Early Warning Signs You Have Parasites And The 8 Herbs You Need To Get Rid Of Them

Statistics show that 1/3 of Americans have parasites residing in their digestive system. This might sound surprising, however, parasites are even more common than you would think. Actually, there are different types of parasites, and most of them are very common. You might have problems that are caused due to these parasites, yet you may not be aware of this. Just continue reading and we will help you discover if you have parasites in your body.

The 10 Signs that You Might Have Parasites in Your Body

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1. Aching muscles and joints.

2. You do not feel full after meals.

3. You have traveler’s diarrhea while you travel internationally.

4. You wake up often during the night and you have trouble falling asleep.

5. Anemia, iron deficiency.

6. History of food poisoning and dealing with digestive issues.

7. Grinding of teeth while sleeping.

8. Skin irritations, rashes, hives, eczema, or rosacea for unexplained reasons.

9. Fatigue, depression, exhaustion or apathy.

10. Unexplained constipation, diarrhea, gas or IBS symptoms.

If you are experiencing some of these symptoms you need not panic. We are here to present you with 8 herbs and foods, which nature has given us to help and kill the parasites naturally.

8 Herbs that Kill Parasites Naturally

1. Thyme

The thyme is a plant that stimulates the thymus, which is a major gland of the immune system. It also stimulates natural defenses of the body. Thyme oil can eliminate the growing of a lot of parasites and it can also kill the ones in the intestinal tract. You can use either dry or fresh thyme together with rosemary, marjoram, oregano and other spices.

2. Oregano Oil

Oregano oil is a powerful and effective herb that can be used to handle a lot of problems. One of those problems are parasites. Due to its richness in free radicals, which are antioxidants, and its antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic and antiviral properties it can be a protective killer that can reset the microbial environment in the human intestines. You can use the oil as essential oil or tincture.

3. Chines Goldthread

Goldthreat (Coptis chinessis) is an herb that has been used in Chinese traditional medicine. It can be used to treat different kinds of infections like parasitic, bacterial, yeast and protozoan. Due to the berberine it contains, it has great antimicrobial properties. Just make a tea of it.

4. Garlic

We already know that garlic has magical properties. It is great for fighting bacteria, fungi, viruses, parasites and cancer. It is also effective when it comes to blood-sucking parasites like ticks, mosquitoes, and fleas. You can use it in many ways- cooked or perhaps you can put it in the green juice.

5. Cloves

Cloves have antimicrobial, antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties. Furthermore, the clove essential oil can aid with the eggs that are left behind in the intestines by the worms. This is the best herb to use if you want to destroy all the parasite eggs. When combined with wormwood and black walnut, it is very powerful. This is because they can all break the parasite’s life cycles. Also, you can use the cloves to add flavor to a lot of baked goods and dishes.

6. Black Walnut Nuts and Hull

Nuts and green hulls or black walnut (Junglans nigra) are so powerful that they cleanse the blood and intestines. The black walnut hull is effective when it comes to fungal infections as well. Also, the juice of the green hulls is used to kill parasites. Just buy some and use them internally as tincture.

7. Diatomaceous Earth

This one is a food that absorbs E. coli, viruses, methyl mercury, various toxins, organophosphate pesticide residues and drug residues. It can actually kill the intestinal parasites, destroy the viruses in the human body, balance the intestinal flora and absorb the toxins that might harm you. What it is used for the most are intestinal cleanses, however, watch out, if you inhale it, it might irritate the lungs.

You can actually use it orally if you have internal parasites. Just begin with 0.5 teaspoons and gradually increase the intake to 2 tablespoons with 4 ounces of water. Make sure you consume it on an empty stomach with 8 ounces if water and drink water a lot during the day as well.

8. Wormwood

Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) is a plant with small, yellow-green flowers. The leaves and flowers are both powerful for human stomach problems. Plus, it is great for intestinal worms. Nevertheless, if you are nursing, you have to avoid it. The wormwood has strong antimicrobial properties too, which can be used for treating other infections. What you can do is make a wormwood tea. Just add 0.5-1 teaspoon of hot water and that is it.

There you have them. These 8 herbs can be of great help when it comes to killing the parasites that might be residing in the body. Just try to incorporate them in your diet, and the parasites will be a problem of the past.

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