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Why Everybody Needs an Armpit Detox and How to Do it

Have you ever wonder why do you need armpit detox? Most of the deodorants that we buy everyday are very harmful to our health,. Due to the fact that they are full of toxic chemicals, they cause a lot of problems with our sebaceous glands, lymphatic system and our immune system.

Toxins that we can find in almost every deodorant include:

1. Aluminum

These aluminum compounds are added to deodorants in order to prevent the sweating. A lot of researchers connect aluminum to different diseases as breast cancer in women, Alzheimer’s disease, and prostate cancer in men. Aluminum also damages our endocrine system.

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2. Propylene glycol

It is very harmful to the liver, heart and central nervous system. It can easily cause skin irritations, but still the content of deodorants includes 50% of propylene glycol.

3. Formaldehyde

The usage of this chemical is to preserve deceased bodies.

4. Phthalates

It actually disrupts the endocrine system and there is a link to the men infertility.

5. Parabens

Parabens disrupt hormonal balances  and can cause early puberty in children. A 2004 study showed that there were parabens found in even 18 out of 20 samples of tissue from human breast tumors.

6. Triclosan

It is known as an endocrine disruptor and reacts with tap water to create a chloroform gas, known as a potential carcinogen.

Why do we actually need an ARMPIT DETOX?

It will destroy the toxic chemicals on our skin, sweat glands and tissue. It will prevent the appearance of a rush. Some of the people tried this detox claim that after the performing they sweat less. You can do this detox in 30 minutes.

You only need apple cider vinegar, water, and bentonite clay. ACV can cleanse the skin easily because of its detoxifying abilities and bentonite clay along with water can in fact destroy bacteria deeply in the pores.


  • 2 teaspoons of water
  • 1 teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon of Bentonite clay


Mix well all the ingredients in a clean glass bowl. You can spread out the mixture on your armpits by using a cloth, then let it stand for around 20 minutes. If you notice some redness, don’t be afraid. That means that the blood is flowing to the area and it is only doing its job.

Wash your armpits with warm (not hot) water. You can repeat this for a few days or when you will be sure that the natural deodorant works well for you, not causing skin irritations.

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