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10 Foods That Naturally Unclog Arteries and Protect Your Heart

One of the most common health problems all over the world is the cardiovascular disease. This life-threatening condition is often caused by clogged arteries. The arteries are responsible for carrying oxygen and nutrients from the heart to the other parts of the body. When the arteries are healthy, they are flexible, strong and the blood can easily flow through them.

Gradually, cholesterol, fat deposits, and cellular waste can pile up the inner walls of the arteries. The arterial plaque can cause many changes. Hence, the blood flow can be reduced and the arteries become clogged. Moreover, the arteries become narrow and hard and can lead to further health complications, such as angina, heart diseases, heart attack or stroke.

Clogged arteries do not appear overnight. Long periods of poor diet and malnutrition lead to blocked arteries. Consuming processed foods rich in toxins, chemicals, and saturated fats can cause arterial plaque. As well as there are foods which block your arteries, there are foods which can clean them.

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These are 10 foods which you should include in your daily diet, which will unclog your arteries and improve your overall health. Moreover, these 10 foods will clean your arteries and reduce the risk of some more severe and life-threatening diseases.

10 Artery-Cleansing Foods

1. Oats

Oats are packed with soluble fiber, which does not allow the creation of cholesterol. The soluble fiber binds to the cholesterol and eliminates it from your body. Moreover, oats prevent the build-up of plaques and keep your arteries clean. Hence, you should consume oats on a daily basis. Eat 1 and a half to 2 and a half cups of cooked oats a day.

2. Cranberry juice

The cranberries are rich in potassium, which helps reduce the bad and increase the good cholesterol levels. Consuming cranberry juice on a daily basis will increase the absorption of fats and the production of energy. Moreover, cranberry juice hinders the fat accumulation in the blood vessels and unclog the arteries. Drink 3 cups of cranberry juice on a daily basis and clean your arteries.

3. Pomegranate

The phytochemicals in pomegranate act as antioxidants. The antioxidant properties of pomegranate protect the arteries from hardening and reduce their damage. Therefore, drinking pomegranate juice will stimulate the production of nitric oxide and clean your arteries.

4. Olive oil

This natural ingredient can prevent cholesterol and even eliminate cholesterol. Olive oil contains monounsaturated fats which are very healthy, not only for your arteries but also for the whole body. The olive oil oxidizes and sticks to the arteries. Use it in as a salad dressing in moderate amounts.

5. Garlic

This is probably one of the healthiest food in the world. Garlic is beneficial for reducing the high blood pressure and in preventing heart diseases. Moreover, garlic can hinder the coronary artery calcification. Always choose raw instead of cooked garlic.

6. Spinach

This leafy green vegetable is packed with potassium, folic acid and lutein. The potassium and folate content in spinach can prevent hypertension, clean the arteries from cholesterol formation and reduce the risk of heart attack. The lutein content protects against macular degeneration, which is responsible for the aging process. Thus, include spinach in salads, smoothies, and omelets and enjoy its benefits.

7. Turmeric

Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties, which lowers inflammation and arteries hardening. What’s more, the curcumin, which is the most active compound in turmeric reduces fatty deposits and cleanses the arteries.

8. Kiwi and Watermelon

Kiwi is rich in antioxidants, which have the ability to reduce bad cholesterol and clean the arteries. On the other hand, watermelon is a diet-friendly food, which is also beneficial for your heart health. Moreover, the amino acid content in watermelon lowers the blood pressure levels and cleans the blood vessels. Consume these two amazing fruits on a daily basis.

9. Grapes

Grapes contain resveratrol, quercetin, and flavonoids, which prevent cholesterol oxidation. The oxidation of cholesterol can lead to plaque build-up on the artery walls. Moreover, grapes hinder the risk of blood clots and prevent you from many heart diseases.

10. Fish

Fish, such as tuna, salmon, mackerel and herring are packed with omega-3 fatty acids. These fish are beneficial for the arteries because they prevent the accumulation of all the fatty deposits. What’s more eating fish twice a week can reduce the risk of heart disease, lower the triglyceride levels and boost the good cholesterol levels.

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