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Asthma is actually curable but sufferers don’t seem to know how

Asthma is a condition that is characterized by shortness of breath, wheezing, chest tightness, pain in the chest, and coughing (especially at night). As with all the other confusing diseases, experimental medicine has recently redefined asthma as a genetic condition.

For the uninitiated, the word “genetic” is medical code for “we have no idea” or “we’ll blame it on God”. Despite medical science’s newly discovered ‘genetic’ cause of asthma, the rates of its occurrence have been increasing disproportionately to population growth each year. A truly genetic condition would increase at a rate that would match population growth.

There are many triggers of asthma attacks. Environmental pollution is a major cause for those who live in urban areas. Air fresheners, in particular, have been shown to trigger asthma attacks by dramatically reducing lung capacity.

Asthmatics should avoid all scented products, including candles, deodorizers, dryer sheets, scented soaps, and especially all “air fresheners”. It is wise for healthy individuals to avoid them too.

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Allergens stress the body, to exaggerate asthma problems, which can provoke terrifying hyper-immune responses. Certain plants may cause these reactions, such as ragweed, along with a new generation of food allergies, which have been artificially created by vaccinations containing food ingredients.

Standard Care

As is the usual pattern, the medical establishment offers no cures, but it offers many options to perpetually treat asthma symptoms at great cost. Doctors have been prescribing steroid-based asthma inhalers for decades.

These steroid-based inhalers are intended to prevent future asthma attacks, and this is actually considered preventative medicine. The steroid side effects are dismissed off-hand by doctors, but these frequently include: headaches, joint pain, mental disturbances, nosebleeds, weight gain, frequent infections, growth retardation, and adrenal insufficiency.

Adrenal insufficiency is the primary catalyst of pre-diabetes, which explains why asthma patients have a high incidence of diabetes. The treatments eventually prove to be highly profitable in the long term from the new diseases that the “preventative medicine” caused.

“When steroid drugs are taken by mouth, they substitute for and decrease the body’s normal ability to make its own steroids as well as its ability to respond to stress.”

— Drugs.com

Cortisteroids can accumulate in the body’s tissues, resulting in increasing health damage over time. They have been linked to diabetes. In addition to steroid-based inhalers, some asthma sufferers are also prescribed anti-inflammatory pills to reduce asthma attacks.

This is particularly sad in the case of children, because the massive amount of pharmaceuticals provided each day, for years at a time, will have long-term health consequences, which will make them forever dependent upon the system. The eventual result is suppressed immune systems that make asthma and a host of other disorders much more likely, and more severe.

One of the latest ‘treatments’ for asthma is the oral contraceptive pill. The medical establishment never stops creating novel uses for this class of hormone-destroying pharmaceuticals, which are some of the most damaging drugs in existence.

The contraceptive pill is one of the reasons for the high rate of thyroid diseases, diabetes, mental illnesses, female hair loss, and strokes. These drugs are especially dangerous because they destroy the natural balance of a body’s hormones — sometimes permanently.

Eliminating Asthma

An extraordinary percentage of asthma sufferers do not seem to know how to breathe well. They have a tendency of breathing through their mouths, instead of their noses.

Breathing through the mouth actually causes the constriction of blood vessels, and increases the chances of lung infections, due to the lack of nasal filtering. This constriction can cause the sufferer to require even more oxygen, in a snowballing reaction.

The type of breathing exercises that are practiced in Karate are ideal for asthma sufferers to gradually increase their lung capacity. To do this, one must focus on breathing slowly but deeply through the nose only, and out through the mouth slowly.

A maximum breath should be taken in during inhalation, and then after a brief pause, some effort should be made to force slightly more air in. This air should be held for about 2 seconds before slowly exhaling as much as possible, and then the process is repeated.

This technique of breathing deeper (yet more slowly) should be employed whenever there is physical exertion. Through practice, a person will become trained to breathe more slowly and deeply, and this exercise will actually increase the air capacity of the lungs.

Eating 1-2 tablespoons of honey each day is beneficial, particularly if the honey was produced by local bees. Honey from local bees contains antihistamines that are specific to local plants. It also contains an exceptional set of nutrients, as well as natural sugars that are not inflammatory.

Vitamin B-12 has been shown to dramatically reduce asthma attacks. The recommended dose is 500 mcg. (micrograms) for children who are younger than twelve, and 1,000-2,000 mcg. for older children and adults. Only use vitamin B-12 in the form of methylcobalamin.

Indian tobacco (lobelia inflata) is known for its therapeutic effects on asthma and other respiratory problems, particularly when it is smoked. Take notice that it is not a true tobacco, despite its name, and it contains no nicotine.

Vitamin B-6 deficiency has been observed in many asthma sufferers, and this is usually caused by the asthma medications, which are known to deplete the body of vitamin B-6. Studies on children with severe asthma showed marked improvement with B-6 supplementation.

Avoid tap water, and start drinking cleaner water instead. Be wary of water filters that are sold at major retail stores, which advertise that they remove the chlorine taste, and invest in one that actually removes the chlorine.

Acquire a shower filter that eliminates chlorine, because chlorine steam from a hot shower will greatly aggravate an asthmatic’s lungs. This may be the most important recommendation.

For the same reason, chlorinated water should never be used in vaporizers or humidifiers, because they will output chlorine vapors too. For readers who do not immediately grasp the significance, chlorine gas was a chemical warfare agent that was used during World War I to cause suffocation.

Avoid aspartame, the dangerous artificial sweetener. It is known to stimulate asthma attacks and cause difficulty breathing. It is in chewing gum and diet products.

A high quality air filter that properly eliminates allergens will be very helpful in combating asthma. The E.P.A. reported 10 years ago that indoor air pollutants have a greater impact on health than outdoor pollutants, so it is vital that indoor air be effectively filtered by an anti-allergen air filter, and that the filter is changed monthly (regardless of manufacturer recommendations).

Due to the connection between asthma and allergies, some sufferers may wish to try chamomile. Chamomile is an effective antihistamine that can be purchased in capsule form. It can cause drowsiness, and it is a relative of ragweed. Do not use chamomile if you have a ragweed allergy.

Eliminate all processed foods and simple carbohydrates. Stop eating all of the new “white” foods, including white bread, white flour, white sugar, and white rice.

Homemade bread is best, because the whole wheat breads being sold in grocery stores are so perverted that they are worse than the white breads. Start cooking balanced meals, which include some organic proteins, alongside plenty of vegetables and fruits (preferably organic).

The connection between chlorine exposure and asthma cannot be overstated. Chlorine has such a strong impact on asthma users that it may indicate that asthmatics tend to be deficient in vitamin C, since the two neutralize each other. A small amount of vitamin C is all that is needed to neutralize chlorine.

For example, 1 gram of vitamin C would be enough to neutralize an entire bathtub full of chlorinated water. In addition, chlorophyll will help remove chlorine byproducts (dioxins) from the body.

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