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Breast Cancer Treatment By Natural Means

Breast cancer is a common threat for women all around the world. It is still considered a leading cause of cancer deaths in women, despite the presence of improved diagnostic skills and effective treatment options. Nowadays several studies have proven that natural options are being considered for many patients in the treatment of cancer.[1] In natural treatment, natural herbs or supplements are used cancer cells. They can also be used in combination with other treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation to prevent from their side effects. Some commonly used substances in natural treatment of breast cancer are:

Black Cumin

Black cumin, better known as Nigella sativa, is nature’s cure for just about anything. With anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory properties, it is endorsed by patients with breast cancer and leads to positive results. Black cumin oil should be rubbed on the affected area thrice a day and also be consumed as a mixture with carrot juice.[2] Not only this but black cumin also protects against the damage done by radiation and Thymoquinone, a substance in black cumin, is famed for reducing the size of cancer [3]

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COQ10 is found widely in meat, fish, fruits, vegetables and canola and soybean oil. The basic function of COQ10 is to support the immune system and act as an antioxidant. If introduced in the diet, Coenzyme Q10 has a protective effect on the breast tissue.[4] It is found at low levels in food but if foods with COQ10 are taken, they increase the body’s own ability to create this useful, anti-cancer substance.[5]. It is also known as Ubiquinone and helps energize the body.


This substance with antioxidant properties is a member of the ginger family. Its roots contain turmeric, which is an anti-inflammatory agent. Curcumin is known to prevent the growth of breast cancer cells, apart from catalyzing apoptosis.[6]. It especially targets genes related to angiogenesis, apoptosis, cell cycle, and metastasis.[7]


Ginseng, a herb found in green tea and certain fortified drinks. It is known to inhibit breast cancer cell growth.[8] All three kinds of ginseng − American, Korean and Chinese − are acknowledged to be equally effective. It isn’t found naturally in any food sources but can be introduced to the diet in various ways, popularly in the form of tea.


Indole-3-Carbinol is a member of the glucosinolate family. It is found naturally in the cruciferous vegetables and in the form of dietary supplements. Indole-3-carbinol restrains breast cancer cell growth [9] It is a promising chemopreventive agent.[10]


Commonly found in apples, grapes, berries, leafy green vegetables and pantry herbs, quercetin is a flavonoid. It holds antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that are quite beneficial for breast cancer patients. Another thing to note is that flavonoids also have chemopreventive properties, and quercetin, in particular, scavenges free radicals.[11]).


Melatonin is a hormone responsible for regulating the sleep cycle. Found abundantly in bananas, green tea, almonds, rice and oats, melatonin is an organic sleeping pill. It increases survival in patients with advanced breast cancer and inhibits breast cancer cell growth too.[12] An overdose of anything, however, can be harmful thus; 20-40mg of daily melatonin intake is recommended.[13] Melatonin is known to target estrogens and is considered an anti-estrogenic drug).


A hydroxystilbene, resveratrol is found to act as an estrogen receptor, meaning that it inhibits estrogen from causing breast cancer.[14] It is found in red grapes, red or purple grape juice, peanuts, blueberries, and cranberries. It is believed that resveratrol safeguards against the progression of breast cancer.[15]


Content found in broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage − among other cruciferous vegetables − sulforaphane is known to target breast cancer stem cells. Not only does sulforaphane kill cancer cells but it also “prevents new tumors from growing”.[16] Other research shows sulforaphane inhibits the growth of breast cancer and leads to apoptosis (Sulforaphane induces cell type-specific apoptosis in human breast cancer cell lines.[17]

Vitamin A

Vitamin A or its oxidized form, Retinol, is required for the hormone-like growth of cells. Studies prove that its intake reduces breast cancer risk by 17%.[18] Another study by the Fox Chase Cancer Center, US, shows that the intake of vitamin A could inhibit breast cancer in its early stages. Liver, sweet potatoes, butter, carrots, leafy vegetables and dried apricots are rich in this vitamin.

Vitamin D3

An activated form of vitamin D, vitamin D3 is created by the body due to sunlight exposure. Women who have a vitamin D3 deficiency are at much greater risk of developing breast cancer than those who do not. They are also prone to malign tumors.[19] It also inhibits angiogenesis in breast cancer.[20] Vitamin D can be found abundantly in mushrooms, fish and fish products, eggs and beef liver.

Dr.Adem’s opinion

Your breast cancer risk will make you take all the necessary and beneficial measures to prevent its occurrence in later life. That includes conventional as well as natural means of strengthening your body’s defense. All the natural ingredients have been used in cancer patients with good outcome. They are all being taken in foods as well as supplements. In all situations, your doctor should endorse them. Experts in oncology recommend the use of natural options for breast cancer to improve their outcome of the disease without any potential side-effects.

To learn more about Alternative Cancer treatments and therapies for your cancer case, Consult Dr. Adem today.


[1] Rockwell S, Liu Y, Higgins SA (2005) Alteration of the effects of cancer therapy agents on breast cancer cells by the herbal medicine black cohosh. Breast Cancer Res Treat 90: 233-239.

[2] The Islamic Bulletin, San Francisco, CA 94141-0186).

[3] Ensminger AH, Esminger M. K. J. e. al. Food for Health: A Nutrition Encyclopedia. Clovis, California: Pegus Press; 1986. 1986. PMID: 15210

[4]   Clin Biochem. 2000 Jun; 33(4):279-84

[5] University of Maryland: Coenzyme Q10

[6] Oct. 15, 2005, Clinical Cancer Research

[7] Integr Biol (Camb). 2012 Sep; 4(9):996-1007. doi: 10.1039/c2ib20088k. Epub: 2012 Jul 6

[8] J Surg Oncol. 1999 Dec; 72(4):230-9

[9] Freudenheim, J. L., Marshall, J. R., Vena, J. E., Laughlin, R., Brasure, J. R., Swanson, M. K., Nemoto, T., and Graham, S. (1996) J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 88, 340–348

[10] J Cell Biochem Suppl. 1997; 28-29:111-6

[11] Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2011 (2011), Article ID 591356, 15 pages

[12] International Journal of Cancer, January 2006

[13] Dr. Uzzi Reiss, Natural Hormone Balance

[14] J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2004 Mar; 88(3):223-34

[15] 2008 July issue of Cancer Prevention Research

[16] University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center

[17] Mol Cancer There: (2007) 6(3): 1013-21).

[18] Cancer Causes Control. 2011 Oct; 22(10):1383-96. Epub 2011 Jul 15

[19] University of Toronto, Goodwin, 2008

[20] Braz J Med Biol Res. 2002 Jan; 35(1):1-9

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