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If treated appropriately, shingles and chickenpox can be cured without going to a doctor

Shingles (herpes zoster) is a secondary outbreak of the chicken pox virus. It can happen decades after the original infection, and it is usually less severe. It may strike people who have had either chicken pox or the chicken pox vaccination.

It is often caused by the vaccine, and people who get the vaccine strain get a much worse version of shingles. It can happen many years later. The virus is opportunistic and will strike whenever the immune system is sufficiently impaired.

Those who have never contracted chicken pox are at risk of contracting it from people with shingles. When it first occurs, shingles rashes usually appear in circular patterns.

You Should Not Visit Your Doctor

Doctors will prescribe just about anything for these conditions, except for something that actually works. Some prescribe painkillers, anti-depressants, and petrochemical creams. The establishment’s resultant help-to-harm ratio is rather disturbing.

More often than not, standard treatments actually stress the immune system to make the outbreak last longer. Prescribing anti-depressants for a shingles outbreak is insanity, and places the patient at more risk than the original virus.

All of the orthodox treatment options have risks, and are rarely effective. Chicken Pox and shingles will eventually disappear without treatment, and the amount of time depends upon the strength of the immune system.

Natural Treatments

A natural, holistic approach takes into account that this virus is part of the herpes family. Whenever it is treated appropriately, the virus outbreak is short-lived. Herpes can only thrive in a body with a weakened immune system.

The herpes family of viruses are particularly effected by a person’s L-arginine to L-lysine ratio. These are natural amino acids that are found inside the human body, but they must be obtained from foods. There must be a greater level of arginine in the body for herpes viruses to thrive.

Lysine is found in proteins, dairy, and most vegetables. Arginine is found in nuts, chocolate, and tomatoes. Use the chart below to ensure that the diet is higher in lysine foods, until the outbreak passes.

Foods with Lysine (Encouraged)
  • All meats
  • Fish
  • Yogurt
  • Cheese
  • Milk
  • Eggs
  • Apples
  • Pears
  • Apricots
  • Avocados
  • Pineapples
  • Green beans
  • Asparagus

Foods with Arginine (Avoid)

  • Tomatoes
  • Wheat Germ
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Cashews
  • Grapes
  • Pumpkin Seeds
  • Pecans
  • Blackberries
  • Blueberries
  • Peanuts
  • Chocolate
  • Sugars

It would be wise to temporarily supplement with large doses of lysine of up to 2,000 mg. per day (2 grams), until the outbreak is gone. However, this large dosage may cause health problems if it is continued for an extended period.

A mere handful of peanuts is usually enough to unfavorably shift the balance in favor of arginine, so a carefully planned diet is absolutely critical for fast recovery. Oral doses of colloidal silver can be helpful too, because colloidal silver is harmful to viruses.

Large doses of vitamin C are known for being helpful in reducing the recovery time. We intentionally neglected to list herbs as an option, because herbs have almost no effect on herpes, chickenpox, or shingles.

A chiropractor will generally be more helpful than a standard doctor. The virus dwells in the spinal column, where it may remain dormant for decades. Spinal misalignment is a strong contributing factor in outbreaks, and their duration. Therefore, chiropractic adjustments can dramatically speed the recovery process.

In order to reduce pain and stimulate recovery, soak a cloth rag in apple cider vinegar. Next, sprinkle cayenne pepper powder over the lesions, and cover them with the damp rag. Put a hot water bottle on top of the rag, or use some other safe source for heat.

Be careful not to burn the skin. This procedure should dramatically reduce recovery time if repeated regularly. It will also provide much needed relief from the itching.

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