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Put Your Best Smile Forward in Your 50s and Beyond

Cosmetic dentistry is both an art and a science. The dentist must not only understand the anatomy and physiology of teeth, and have the technical skills to perform procedures, he or she also must have the aesthetic sense to achieve a visually pleasing result.

If you would like to change something about your smile, but you are not sure about your options, you want to consult with an experienced dentist. Dr Michael Krochak DMD, Director of the NYC Smile Spa and the Dental Phobia Treatment Center of NY, has over 30 years of perfecting his craft. See his LinkedIn profile for more information about his expertise and qualifications.

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Reasons Middle-Aged American Seek Cosmetic Dentistry

The quest for an attractive smile is not limited to young adults. Adults in their 50s seek cosmetic dentistry for a variety of reasons:

  • They have more disposable income to spend on their appearance.
  • A lifetime of wear and tear on their teeth has become noticeable.
  • After raising children, they now have time to take care of themselves.
  • They are at the height of their careers and want to put their best foot forward.
  • If they are dating after a divorce, they want to polish their smile.
  • Some cosmetic dentistry procedures, such as orthodontics, can prevent longer-term bite problems.

Even if you have reached a certain age, you deserve to feel good about your appearance. After all, you are still active in your community and have many years of smiles ahead of you.

Teeth Whitening for Yellowed Teeth

Teeth naturally become more yellow over time as you age, because the outer white enamel becomes thinner. Coffee, tea, smoking, and some medications cause tooth staining. Not all whitening options work well in all situations, so it is better to seek advice from a dentist than to perform this task at home.

In addition, some methods can damage teeth if you are too aggressive. The dentist will perform a full evaluation of your situation and let you know if there are any contraindications to tooth whitening.

If you have dental work such as crowns, you will need expert guidance to achieve an even-toned result. The dentist may recommend an in-office whitening procedure, at-home bleaching kits, or a special kind of toothpaste.

Invisalign for Crooked Teeth

Maybe your parents didn’t have money for braces. Or, perhaps you had braces as a teenager but your teeth have shifted out of position. If you would like to straighten your teeth, Invisalign technology has come a long way since its early days.

These clear aligners, an alternative to metal braces, can now be used in more complex orthodontic cases. Your friends probably will not realize that you are having orthodontic treatment. The dentist scans your teeth and creates a computerized treatment plan that allows for precise movement of your teeth in stages. With removable aligners, you can eat and drink anything you want, as long as you brush and floss before putting the aligners back in your mouth.

To keep treatment on track, it will be important to wear the aligners for the amount of time recommended each day. Typically, patients wear Invisalign for 20 to 22 hours a day. Once you have achieved the perfect smile, be sure to wear your retainer as directed so that your teeth do not shift back out of place.

Flash a confident smile at work, while dating, with your friends, and at volunteer jobs. Your 50s are a perfect time to seek cosmetic dentistry procedures to whiten and straighten teeth. Consult with an experienced and trustworthy dentist. You could soon be on your way to your best smile yet!

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