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The Dangers Of E951 – Aspartame

Artificial dyes fall into two categories. The loose fill sweeteners like mannitol, sorbitol, xylitol and hydrogenated glucose are with almost the same caloric content to sugar and they replace it in processed foods, but are not well absorbed by our bodies. The alcohols of sugar, xylitol and hydrogenated glucose actually help prevent occurrence of caries. Despite that fact, those loose fill sweeteners can cause diarrhea if used in large quantities.

Intense sweeteners like Aspartame, Acesulfame K and Saccharin, practically don’t supply our bodies with calories and are widely used in dietetic products. Precisely these intense sweeteners recently triggered side effects and are cause for concerns.

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Aspartame substitutes of sugar cause disturbing symptoms, which may vary from memory loss to brain cancer and despite the fact that FDA defines it as “harmless” additive, aspartame is still one of the most dangerous substances foisted to the unsuspecting public.

Aspartame is intense sweetener, 200 times sweeter than sugar. Since 1974, it is used around the world in products such as soft drinks and low-calorie products. Firstly approved by UK in 1982, it is also known as NutraSweet, aspartame or E951.

Despite the fact that it is used widely, 75% of the adverse reactions to food additives which have been reported to FDA, are connected with aspartame. Those reactions include: headache/migraine, dizziness, convulsions, nausea, muscle spasms, weight gain, rashes, depression, fatigue, irritability, tachycardia, vision complications, dyspnoea, panic attacks, memory loss and joint pains.

It is considered that some chronic diseases can be triggered or even aggravate when using aspartame. For instance: brain tumors, multiple sclerosis (MS), epilepsy, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases, birth defects, diabetes and many more.

The molecule of aspartame is composed of three chemicals:

1. Aspartic acid (40% content in aspartame) – Excessive use of this amino acid can increase the levels of aspartate, which in turn can enter into brain and slowly destroy the neurons. Up to 75% of these neurons might be destroyed, before any symptoms being noticed. In certain individuals the risk is greater, due to sections of the brain which are not completely protected by a natural way (for instance during childhood or small brain injury derived due to other circumstances).

2. Phenylalanine (50% content in aspartame) – This is an amino acid, which can be found naturally in the brain. Some individuals with genetic disorders like PNU (Phenylketonuria), can’t process this amino acid and its high levels in the blood can cause death. It has been shown that taking aspartame can lead into high levels of Phenylalanine even in people, who don’t have Phenylketonuria. This is extremely dangerous to children and fetuses.

3. Methanol (10% content in aspartame) – This is a deadly poison, which caused the death of many alcoholics. Methanol is gradually released into the small intestine, when aspartame hits the chymotrypsin enzyme. The absorption increases when aspartame gets heated to 30 degrees of Celsius and the body starts decomposing methanol into formic acid and formaldehyde. During operation “Desert Storm”, american soldiers were treated with huge quantities of aspartame sweetened drinks, which had previously been heated involuntarily under the sun. These same soldiers are now suffering by a disease similar to formaldehyde poisoning.

Diketopiperazine (DKP)

DKP is a sub-product from disintegration of aspartame. It is formed in liquid products during their long time warehouse storage. Upon reaching the intestine, this substance forms a complex similar to N-nitrosourea, which is a powerful chemical mutagen and causer of brain tumors.

Birth defects – Doctors were funded by Monsanto (holders of NutraSweet) to study possible birth defects when using aspartame. After the preliminary data showed that there are possibilities of such birth defects occurrence, the funding was terminated.

Brain Cancer – During a two year study, 12 out of 320 lab mice were fed with aspartame along with normally received food and they developed brain cancer, while in the control group, there was no such development. Dr. Adrian Gross, a FDA toxicologist, testified in front of the U.S. Congress that aspartame causes brain tumor, but lately FDA terminates his study with the argument that it’s insufficient.

Diabetes – According to a study aspartame leads to:

– accelerated diabetes symptoms

– reduces diabetic control in diabetics, who are on insulin or per-oral medications

– leads to other complications like retinopathy, cataracts, neuropathy and gastroparesis

– causes convulsions (insulin reactions)

A dramatic improvement is observed of the above complications, as well as better patient recovery, who stopped consuming aspartame and products containing it.

Epilepsy – The U.S Aviation launched warning publications about consumption of NutraSweet, after reporting an increase of spontaneous fainting among pilots. This was confirmed by a study conducted in 1969, where 5 out of 7 infant primates began to suffer from sudden fainting after using aspartame.

It’s up to you, my precious reader, to stop consuming this deadly substance!

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