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9 Symptoms Of Vitamin K Deficiency You Should Look Out For

There are lots of important nutrients that we need to ingest every day through various foods and drinks. Among these nutrients is vitamin K that can inflict some terrible effects if it gets too low in your system.

Vitamin K deficiency can cause effects such as blood in urine, vomit or stool, blood clotting, bruising, increased bleeding and high bleeding during the menstrual period. Other risks are heart disease, osteoporosis, arthritis, and diabetes.

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With the help of vitamins K1 and K2, your body will be able to decrease the amount of bleeding made from cuts. For women, it is recommended to ingest 90 mcg of vitamin K, and for men, around 90 mcg.

There are many foods that are rich in this vitamin, such as kale, cheese, spinach, broccoli, meat, soybean, eggs or blueberries. Include some of these foods to your diet and keep your level of vitamin K at bay.

Some people are more vulnerable to vitamin K deficiency, especially people with celiac disease, ulcerative colitis, and short bowel syndrome.

Healthy people who have a good food regime have lower chances of developing this condition because their bodies absorb vitamin K normally.

Symptoms of vitamin K deficiency

1. Increased Internal or External Bleeding And Bruising

Vitamin K deficiency can inflict abnormal bruising or internal bleeding. Also, you might experience nosebleeds or bleeding gums.

You might even notice how even the smallest cut bleeds abnormally. This is a serious condition and you will have to contact your doctor immediately.

2. Blood In Vomit

In case you are experiencing stomach bleeding, you will notice that your vomit is mixed with a slight amount of blood.

You will feel pressure in your stomach which will definitely force you to vomit. It is a painful experience and you can prevent it by increasing your vitamin K intake.

3. Increased Menstrual Bleeding

At women who experience vitamin K deficiency, the menstrual bleeding will last longer because of the excessive bleeding. This problem needs to be treated immediately because heavy menstrual bleeding can lead to conditions such as anemia.

4. Blood In The Stools And Urine

Another sign of this condition is blood in your urine or stool. You can notice blood on your toilet paper or the color of your urine might have a reddish or pinkish color. Immediately consult your doctor if this is happening to you.

5. Babies Show Signs of Sleepiness And Vomiting

At babies who have vitamin K deficiency, you might notice pale gums or pale skin. Also, a baby might give your signs of sleepiness because there might be bleeding around the brain.

6. Poor Bone Health

Vitamin K plays a major role when it comes to the health and growth of the bones. If your body experiences a decrease in this nutrient, it might result in bone density.

Also, vitamin K deficiency can lead to hip fracture, bone mineralization or even osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is described with symptoms such as weight and even height loss, stooping, serious back pain or fractures.

7. Chest Pain And Palpitations

On the other side, if you have a normal consumption of vitamin K, you will lower the chances of developing coronary heart disease.

This nutrient is responsible for the prevention of calcification of blood vessels which stops them from being stiff and narrow.

Another sign of heart disease is chest pain that can be inflicted by high physical activity or intense work, stress and it can spread around your neck, stomach, jaw, arms or back. Two more symptoms are heart palpitations or lack of breath for no particular reason.

8. Symptoms Linked to Diabetes

People who suffer this abnormality have bigger chances of developing type-2 diabetes. Increasing your vitamin K intake can really reduce the risks of this condition by enhancing your body’s insulin resistance and glucose metabolism.

Main signs that indicate diabetes are an increased frequency of urinating, feeling thirsty constantly, weight loss, blurred vision, and lack of strength and energy.

Also, the cuts and other bleeding injuries might need some time before the bleeding stops and they heal.

9. Inflammation and Pain in the Joints

Finally, the lack of vitamin K in your system can inflict pain in the joints due to the fact that this nutrient controls the bone mineralization.

This condition is connected to osteoporosis which limits the movement of the body. People with osteoporosis need to try moving at all times because they might experience pain, inflammation or stiffness in the joints.

It is always better to prevent a vitamin K deficiency or deficiency in any essential nutrient than to treat the symptoms that are inflicted afterward.

Always treat your body and its health the best way possible and you will see how rewarding it can, especially because you will be knowing that you have lower chances of getting sick or developing a serious condition.

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