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Get Rid of Lipoma Without Surgery Using These 4 Natural Home Remedies

Fat tissue is growing on the skin and it can occur anywhere on your body. It is consisted of accumulated fat cells. It is just an esthetical problem which does not affect your overall health in any way. Fat tissue occurs without us noticing it and it does not cause pain (except in certain cases where lipoma is formed).

It mostly occurs in persons over 40 years of age, but it does not need to always be like that -- it may occur in children as well. The head, arms, back, neck and legs are the places where it grows the most, but it can happen to be anywhere.Doctors’ advice for us is fat tissue should be extracted off of the body surgically.

The small operation will not last longer than half an hour. We offer 4 recipes for natural fat tissue removal for those of you who does not want to choose the hospital way. These recipes will help with your fat tissue problem most of the time.

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1. Flour and honey

This recipe helped a lot of people to get rid of their fat tissue. Make a mixture of flour and honey with thickness of 1 cm and surface just enough to cover the fat tissue you are about to get rid of. This mixture should not be too sticky.

Apply it onto the fat tissue and cover it with piece of paper or gauze to save your clothes from getting dirty. Let it stay onto the affected area for 36 hours and after that replace the old piece of the mixture with new one.

Repeat this procedure for a week. After that the fat tissue should burst and all collected fester should leak out.

2. Let a bee sting you

This method is very simple. All you need to do is let a bee sting you two times in the affected area and the tissue should be gone within seven days. Pick a bee with tweezers and focus the bee’s stinger onto the affected area and let it sting you. This sting does not hurt as much as regular sting.

3. Propolis

Apply propolis onto the affected area for several days and the fat tissue should be completely gone.

4. Yolk and salt

This method was first used by a woman whose fat tissue was gone after 2-3 days. Mix one egg yolk with 2 tablespoons of salt. Apply this mixture onto the affected area and the tissue will be gone in 2-3 days.

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