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How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Eczema?

Eczema has became a real nightmare for 20% of US children and about 3% of adult Americans. Eczema actually stands for a group of health conditions that irritate skin and cause inflammations.

Atopic dermatitis or Atopic Eczema is the most common type of eczema. Those who deal with this condition have a itchy and inflamed skin, accompanied with red rashes in certain body parts like face, the back part of one’s knees, wrists, hands, and in the most severe cases it affects the entire body.

Eczema causes an intense itching, and some individuals struggle against their urge to scratch their skin until it bleeds.

The market offers a plethora of creams and lotions that are supposed to relieve this severe skin issue. However, OTC drugs and ointments are usually followed by harmful side effects. Instead of using such products, we suggest that you try apple cider vinegar.

It is a simple, yet efficient ingredient that can really give you a hand and help you relieve the itching.

You can combine it with other natural products that will only make it more powerful. First, we give you a closer look to the healing properties provided by apple cider vinegar, in order to vanish every doubt of using it.

Anti-fungal properties

Apple cider vinegar has strong antibacterial and anti-fungal properties, which is why it is so efficient in killing off bacteria that causes eczema. Regular application of apple cider vinegar affects the growth of this bacteria.

Enhances cell renewal

Beta-carotene in apple cider vinegar stimulates cell renewal. Regular use of this vinegar will bring your healthy skin back.

Potassium richness

Apple cider vinegar is rich in potassium, which is great when it comes to relieving allergy symptoms. Potassium acts as an astringent and provides normal pH value of skin. This is amazing for those who deal with eczema.


It is not only its vitamins and minerals. Apple cider vinegar is super high in fiber. Human body needs this fiber to eliminate any toxins that may trigger the occurrence of eczema.

Immunity booster

Improper immune function is one of the major causes of eczema. Apple cider vinegar is packed with mineral salts, acetic acid, vitamin B1, riboflavin, pectin, and a variety of minerals. These have a huge roll in enhancing immune function. In other words, by stimulating your immune system you heal eczema affected skin as well.

Relieves itching

Apple cider vinegar can do many goods to dry skin. As you probably know, dry skin is more likely to be affected by eczema. The vinegar will also relieve any other itchy issue that you get along with your eczema.

Use apple cider vinegar alone or combine it with other potent ingredients. Home remedies are always a better alternative. We give you a few amazing ideas that involve using apple cider vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar solution

It may be hard for you to believe it, but apple cider vinegar really helps in the treatment of eczema. Its combination of antifungal and antibacterial properties affect skin directly and provide an instant relief.


  • 2 tbsp raw and organic apple cider vinegar
  • 2 tbsp water
  • 2-3 cotton balls


Combine your liquid ingredients in a bowl and stir well.

Soak a cotton ball in the solution, and apply it directly onto the affected skin area.

Repeat the treatment until you notice some improvement.

Note: If you have a sensitive skin, make a vinegary solution using a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and half a cup of water.

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