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Dozen items you will see here can cause cancer. Some are even in your home. They are assembled by American cancer prevention coalition  who examined this and these items.

These days we are exposed to chemicals and toxins all the time. Restaurants obey safety rules to keep customers safe from toxins, but we have those toxins at home.

Artificial sweetener – these are saccharin, aspartame, sorbitol, also acesulfame K. they make cancer and also try to replace them with stevia, yacon, erythritol and xylitol

No stick pans – we use them daily and they release chemicals in the food we cook when heated. When this happens, toxins get in the food. Use ceramic instead

Plastic containers– the chemicals here leak into the food and body. The worst is BPA for plastic bottles. Studies said BPA is proclaimed by FDA as cancer causing. Instead of plastic use metal and glass

Talcum powder– a study said this makes ovary cancer. Ovary tumors had talc in them. Also a UK study said over 2000 women had more risk of ovary cancer in 20-30% of cases

Commercial cleaning items– most of commercial products make asthma. Most of them have BPA, parabens, phthalates, triclosan and hormone problems. A better option is baking soda and vinegar to remove bacteria and clean surfaces.

Air freshener– recent studies said the fumes here are worse than cigarettes and make hormonal imbalance, asthma and cancer. Instead of this, use essential oils

Toothpaste– this has chemicals like saccharin and fluoride that make cancer. Both make serious harm and create cancer.

Mothballs– we all use them for the closets and they have naphthalene that makes damages to liver and kidneys, anemia and cancers.

Shampoo– Head and Shoulders is one of them. It has mutagen named methylchloroisothiazolinone and also ammonium laureth sulfate. The items here are good on their own and get tainted by 1.4-dioxane

Deodorants and antiperspirant– many studies say this is bad and make cancer due to the parabens. This mostly causes breast cancer.

Antibacterial soap– they kill bacteria but also have side effects like triclosan causes cancer, puberty issues, infertility and hormone problems.

Tick and flea repellents– these items have fipronil that is in liquid repellents and makes nausea, headache, vomiting, seizure, irritation, fatigue. Also makes cancer.


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