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6 Early Warning Signs Of Anal Cancer Everyone Is Too Embarrassed To Talk About!

Anal cancer develops from a lump consisting of abnormal and uncontrollably growing cancer cells. It affects the opening of the rectum.

It is not a common type of cancer, and it is often overlooked, because sufferers are embarrassed to discuss the symptoms they deal with.

Make a difference between anal and colorectal cancer. Colorectal cancer develops in the colon and affects the entire rectum, and anal cancer only grows at the opening of the rectum.

Unfortunately, the number of patients diagnosed with this type of cancer keeps growing, but it is still lower than the number of those who suffer from colorectal, rectal or colon cancer.

Symptoms of anal cancer

Same as other types of cancer, early detection is of essential importance. But, this may be rather difficult, because not all the symptoms are present.

Here are the symptoms you should never ever ignore or feel embarrassed about.

  • Itching in the anus
  • Tenderness / Pain in the anus
  • Unusual bowel movement
  • Anal bleeding
  • Strange discharge from the anus
  • A hardened area / Lump near the anus

Scientists still cannot tell what are the real causes of anal cancer, but the most common contributing factors include poor immune system, smoking, and frequent anus irritation.

Anal cancer is more common in people older than 60. Men under 35 and women older than 60 run at a higher risk of developing colon cancer as well.

Detect anal cancer in its initial phase

Early detection is crucial in the treatment of anal cancer. Traditional medicine suggests numerous methods of detecting anal cancer, and we give you the most efficient:

Digital rectal exam – The doctor is supposed to examine the anal cavity with the fingers for any present abnormalities or lumps.

Anoscopy – It provides a clear view of the inner part of the anus. It uses anoscope, a tiny tubular instrument that is inserted in the anus. It is performed after the doctor notices any abnormalities during the exact digital rectal exam.

PET scans, MRIs, CT scans, x-rays, ultrasounds and biopsies are also used in the detection process. Some find these controversial because they believe that this methods cause the anal cancer to spread even more.

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