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Alarming Signs You’re Eating Too Much Sugar

No matter if artificial or natural one, our food is full of sugar, and we can’t avoid it.

JJ Virgin, the fitness trainer, and nutritionist, wrote a book The Sugar Impact Diet: Drop 7 Sugars to Lose Up to 10 Pounds in Just 2 Weeks giving advice how to protect your overall health and how to stay away from this harmful ingredient.

In her book, she explains about every type of sugar we intake and the effect it has on our organism.

Many health-conscious people believe that all-natural sugars as agave, natural juice, raw cane sugar, are safe, but the reality is that they have a detrimental effect on our health.

Here are warning signs you’re eating too much sugar:

  • Tiredness & Lack of energy
  • Anxiety or depression
  • Frequent colds & flu
  • Skin problems (including dark circles under your eyes)
  • Weight problems
  • Dental issues
  • Diabetes
  • Heart problems and High blood pressure
  • Sugar/Carb Cravings

To end sugar cravings your body needs to burn fat as its primary fuel

She continues saying that it doesn’t matter in what form the sugar you intake is (a muffin, a fruit-sweetened yogurt, or a smoothie) it sends the same information-sugar!

At the beginning, it will be difficult, but when you eliminate the sugar, your energy will increase and you will be more focused. The first thing you need to do is to teach your body to burn fat as its primary form of fuel instead of sugar.

It is a really challenging process but JJ’s book can help you achieve it.

The sugar impact scales: a new way of looking at sugar

The first thing you need to do is to measure yourself and to find the starting point by determining the waist-to-hip ratio. Then, make a list of all sugar you intake without realizing it which cause danger to your diet.

Start reading the labels on every food you eat. Many foods as the jar of pickles, condiments, sauces, and marinades contain sugar and you have no idea. The difference between fructose and glucose is that fructose doesn’t trigger insulin, leptin or ghrelin.

Your body isn’t aware that you ate something and it directly goes to the liver, where if it can’t turn into glycogen, it turns into fat.

How can you know if you have a high sugar impact? The most common symptoms are gas and bloating, joint pain, headaches, fatigue, inability to lose weight or weight loss resistance, and sugar cravings. You can get a clearer picture of how sugar impacts your body with grading yourself on these symptoms.

The three cycles of the sugar impact diet

In the first cycles, you switch from high sugar impact foods to medium sugar impact foods, thus adapting your body to the new changes. For instance, if you ate plain pasta, you will star eating quinoa pasta.

You need to measure the time between your meals, and not eat every 2 hours so that you don’t feel insulin spikes. When this period finishes, you will measure again your sugar impact to see the results.

If everything is done right you will move on cycle two in which you will reset your taste buds and reclaim your sugar sensitivity. And you will have the ability to feel how sweet the food is.

For most people the shift from burning sugars to burning fats comes in a matter of weeks. But if your insulin/leptin resistance is very high it may take you longer, but however you will get there.

The real challenge is in the last, third cycle – reintroducing some medium and high sugar impact foods. You will be overwhelmed by the sweetness and feel bloated from the high sugar impact foods.

Healthy snack alternatives

Whenever you feel hungry the ideal daily combination would be a large salad for lunch and nuts, macadamia nuts, and occasionally pecans. The nuts are high in good fat but low in protein and they eliminate the possibility of eating a whole day’s worth of protein in a handful of nuts.

Last but not least- the maintenance phase

Note down how whenever you feel hungry during the day. If it is every two hour, you are doing well-burning sugar. When you are burning fat as your primary fuel, you will go 5-6 hours without feeling hungry. Also, sugar cravings will be eliminated when you are burning fat rather than sugar.

But the real question is how to maintain your body in this shape? Do you have to eat like this for the rest of your life?

JJ’s book recommends high-intensity exercises over endurance training which will create beneficial changes in the metabolism and will promote health and muscle growth while boosting fat burning.

And you can’t get these metabolic changes when you are doing endurance training as long-distance running.

More information

In order to get the best results you need to eliminate gluten, pasteurized dairy, and processed fructose from your diet. Start seeing the food as information.

Your body will burn fat instead of sugar, and you will lose weight and feel better. Cut down on the foods full of fructose which tell your body to eat more and store the sugar as fat!

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