How To: Get Rid of that Stubborn Toilet Ring
I know what you’re thinking… toilets?! Why do you want to blog about this?! That’s exactly my point! They’re nasty and I have discovered a way to make them spotless! No need to be embarrassed about those stubborn toilet rings anymore!
I live in a small west Texas town known for their poor water quality. When we have guests from out of town, we have to warn them to only drink the bottled water and to avoid even opening their mouth in the shower. Needless to say, the water we get through our pipes does some pretty nasty stuff to our fixtures.
Our faucets, sinks and toilets are an absolute travesty. I have been embarrassed to have people over but am an avid hostess and didn’t want to miss out on opportunities to entertain!
My husband and I were raised by single moms and learned to live a humble life style. When we were fortunate enough to purchase our first home, the last thing on our minds was replacing the toilets. This is on the obvious to-do list for many home owners; however, the obvious thing on our to-do list was paying our mortgage.
The previous home owner left us a house warming gift of nasty toilet rings. So for two years, I’ve been looking at those red, green and yellow rings with disdain while trying everything I could find at the store and online…to no avail.
Being from southern California, I had never encountered these issues, especially to this extent, before. So I scoured the black hole of the internet for cleaning tips.
I came across the Pumie. A pumice stone specifically marketed to clean stains out of toilet bowls. Then I got into the dangerous reviews section.
Usually, when you see a single bad review, you figure it is a Bitter Betty who didn’t read the description of a product to understand what it did, or a Grumpy Gus who spends hours writing bad reviews just to get their anger out.
However, when I see half of the reviews going south, I tend to stay away from whatever is being sold. Apparently, this gadget can do the job, however, if you are too aggressive, it can cause scratches in the porcelain surface which can become stained and are impossible to clean.
Red light! Stop sign! Find another solution!
Then I tried something I read in the comment section of a cleaning product. I was skeptical but desperate… and here we are. My life has been changed and I need to tell the world!
Before: nasty! I’m so sorry you have to see this, but it’ll be worth it to get this knowledge out there!
(and, yes, that is the Squatty Potty I bought my husband)
After: It speaks for itself!
Step 1 – Head to Amazon (or your friendly neighborhood Lowes or Home Depot or Ace or whatever you have!)
Step 2 – Grab:
-a pack of rubber gloves
-Bar Keepers Friend (reminds me of the AJAX under my grandma’s sink growing up)
Grab all of your supplies here!
Yes, you heard that right! Drywall sandpaper!
This is superior to the Pumie because of its tiny little square texture!
Your stain is raised on top of your porcelain bowl. It gets caught in these tiny squares and is buffed away while doing no damage to your porcelain, the same way it buffs away dried putty on the seams of drywall but does no damage to the drywall itself!
Step 3 – Get ready for your life to change!
Step 4 – Chop off about 2 inches of your drywall sandpaper. That’s right! That’s all you need!
Step 5 – Flush the toilet to get the whole bowl wet and sprinkle your Bar Keepers Friend
Step 6 – Get those gloves on!!
Step 7 – Go to town with that sandpaper on those rings! This is about 30 seconds into my scrubbing!! That gunk that wouldn’t budge with a toilet brush or any cleaning product was just coming right off!
I found what really helped the process work well was making a nice paste with the Bar keepers friend and toilet water (remember those rubber gloves? Don’t be afraid to move that water around and use it to your benefit!)
You can even get this paste and sand paper up under the lip at those hard to reach spots right by the water holes!
Step 8 – Flush and admire your sparkling clean bowl!
clean toilet
Step 9 – Spread the word!!
This is such an incredible tip that should be common knowledge! I can just picture this showing up on HGTV one of these days! Someone buys an old, tragic house to remodel with toilets that would be just fine were it not for the rings that could make your stomach turn!
A little Bar Keepers Friend and drywall sandpaper and SHAZAM! Like new!
I hope this was a fantastic find for you or someone you know suffering from this toilet travesty!
Please share and spread the word! Thank you so much for reading!
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