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Banana Tea!? – Treats insomnia better than any other medication

Banana Tea is a perfect drink and natural remedy that treats insomnia better than any other medication.  Just make tea by boiling bananas before going to bed, drink the sweet liquid and you will not believe how it will act on your dream!

We’ve all gone through sleeplessness nights, “staring” in the wall and we are annoyed that the dawn will come in few minutes and we haven’t sleep at all … But there is a delicious and easy recipe that will put end to sleeplessness nights.

Restless sleep or insomnia can result with depression, stress or anxiety. You can try and try almost every night, but the brain does not simply “calm down”. If you are constantly thinking about problems, duties or other work, the chances to fall asleep are very small.

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Certain medications can also cause insomnia.

This will solve your problem:

Banana tea

Only few ingredients that you surely keep in the kitchen can help you make banana tea. This is the perfect remedy for insomnia and what is most important it has amazing sweet flavor. How does it work? Bananas, especially the skins, are rich in potassium and magnesium. Magnesium helps in sleep disorders, and in combination with potassium they help in the process of muscles relaxation. Magnesium is one of the best minerals for relaxation. But please have in mind that bananas should be 100% organic.

You will prepare the tea in less than 10 minutes and you should drink it every night before going to bed if you suffer from insomnia.


  • 1 organic banana
  • 1 small cup of water
  • Little cinnamon


All you have to do is to cut the edges of the banana and put it, together with the skin, in boiled water. Let it boil for 10 minutes.  With strainer, strain the tea into a cup. Put little cinnamon and drink the tea one hour before you go to sleep.

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